t-sql 汇总时间戳之间的差异

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server

我正在跟踪机器状态,它可以是 0,1 和 2,并使用time_stamp将该数据存储在sql表中.我在 sql server 中有下一个字段的表:身份证(整数)时间戳(日期时间)machine_state(int)

I'm tracking machine state which can be 0,1 and 2, and storing that data in sql table with time_stamp. I have table in sql server with next fields: id(int) time_stamp(datetime) machine_state(int)

machine_state =0 -machine 弯腰
machine_state =1-带警报的机器
machine_state =2-机器运行

Machine state is connected with machine condition:
machine_state =0 -machine stooped
machine_state =1-machine with alarm
machine_state =2-machine running


Now I want to calculate how long machine was in each state in each shift. Shifts are

  1. 8:00-17:00
  2. 17:00-01:00
  3. 01:00-08:00.


My problem is how I can calculate time of each state of machine(sum_time_0, sum_time_1, sum_time_2) and group that times by the shift. I want to calculate time in seconds and then convert to minutes.


To have better picture I did export part of table

id    time_stamp          machine_state
1623  6.10.2009 17:09:00  1
1624  6.10.2009 17:17:00  2
1625  6.10.2009 17:17:00  1
1626  6.10.2009 17:17:00  2
1627  6.10.2009 17:18:00  1
1628  6.10.2009 17:18:00  2
1629  6.10.2009 18:04:00  1
1630  6.10.2009 18:06:00  2
1631  6.10.2009 18:07:00  1
1632  6.10.2009 18:12:00  2
1633  6.10.2009 18:28:00  1
1634  6.10.2009 18:28:00  2
1635  6.10.2009 19:16:00  1
1636  6.10.2009 19:21:00  2
1637  6.10.2009 19:49:00  1
1638  6.10.2009 20:23:00  2


Any advice will help. Thanks in advance.



You can join the next machine state for each row then group by the state and sum the difference in time...

create table #t(id int identity(1,1), ts datetime, ms tinyint);

insert into #t
select '6.10.2009 17:09:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 17:17:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 17:17:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 17:17:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 17:18:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 17:18:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 18:04:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 18:06:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 18:07:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 18:12:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 18:28:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 18:28:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 19:16:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 19:21:00',  2
union select '6.10.2009 19:49:00',  1
union select '6.10.2009 20:23:00',  2

    sum(datediff(mi, t.ts, tn.ts)) as total_mintues
    #t t
    inner join #t tn on
        tn.id = (select top 1 t2.id 
                from #t t2 
                where t2.id > t.id and t2.ms <> t.ms
                order by t2.id)
group by

ms  total_mintues
1   54
2   140

drop table #t
