我想在 MS SQL Server 2000 中创建一个链接服务器到在端口 x(不是默认端口 1433)上运行的 MS SQL 2005 服务器.但它不起作用,因为我无法在任何地方指定端口!?
I want to create a Linked Server in MS SQL Server 2000 to a MS SQL 2005 Server which runs on port x (not the default port 1433). But it doesn't work, as I can't specify the port anywhere!?
使用 sqlcmd(指定端口 x),我可以毫无问题地连接到服务器 - 但我无法将其设置为链接服务器.
Using sqlcmd (specifying port x), I can connect to the server without problems - but I can't set it up as a Linked Server.
在新的链接服务器对话框中,选择其他数据源",选择Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"作为您的提供程序名称,然后将其用作您的提供商字符串:
In the new linked server dialog, choose "Other data source", select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" as your provider name, then use this as your provider string:
Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=yourdbname;User ID=username;Password=password;
将 IP 和1433"替换为您的 IP 和端口号.
Replace the IP and "1433" with your IP and port number.
More info on connection strings: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/238949