
2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server-2008 sql-server


Which is faster for millions of records: Permanent Table or Temp Tables?

我只需要将它用于 1500 万条记录.处理完成后,我们删除这些记录.

I have to use it only for 15 million records. After processing is complete, we delete these records.



In your situation we use a permanent table called a staging table. This is a common method with large imports. In fact we generally use two staging tables one with the raw data and one with the cleaned up data which makes researching issues with the feed easier (they are almost always a result of new and varied ways our clients find to send us junk data, but we have to be able to prove that). Plus you avoid issues like having to grow temp db or causing issues for other users who want to use temp db but have to wait while it grows for you, etc.

您也可以使用 SSIS 并跳过暂存表,但我发现无需重新加载 50,000,000 表即可返回和研究的能力非常有用.

You can also use SSIS and skip the staging table(s), but I find the ability to go back and research without having to reload a 50,000,000 table is very helpful.
