用 Python 实现堆栈

2022-01-22 00:00:00 python algorithm data-structures stack


我正在尝试使用数组使用 Python 实现一个简单的堆栈.我想知道是否有人可以让我知道我的代码有什么问题.

I am trying to implement a simple stack with Python using arrays. I was wondering if someone could let me know what's wrong with my code.

class myStack:
     def __init__(self):
         self = []

     def isEmpty(self):
         return self == []

     def push(self, item):

     def pop(self):
         return self.pop(0)

     def size(self):
         return len(self)

    s = myStack()
    print s



I corrected a few problems below. Also, a 'stack', in abstract programming terms, is usually a collection where you add and remove from the top, but the way you implemented it, you're adding to the top and removing from the bottom, which makes it a queue.

class myStack:
     def __init__(self):
         self.container = []  # You don't want to assign [] to self - when you do that, you're just assigning to a new local variable called `self`.  You want your stack to *have* a list, not *be* a list.

     def isEmpty(self):
         return self.size() == 0   # While there's nothing wrong with self.container == [], there is a builtin function for that purpose, so we may as well use it.  And while we're at it, it's often nice to use your own internal functions, so behavior is more consistent.

     def push(self, item):
         self.container.append(item)  # appending to the *container*, not the instance itself.

     def pop(self):
         return self.container.pop()  # pop from the container, this was fixed from the old version which was wrong

     def peek(self):
         if self.isEmpty():
             raise Exception("Stack empty!")
         return self.container[-1]  # View element at top of the stack

     def size(self):
         return len(self.container)  # length of the container

     def show(self):
         return self.container  # display the entire stack as list

s = myStack()
