Python:将 HEX 字符串转换为字节

2022-01-22 00:00:00 python string bytearray hex udp


我正在尝试制作将通过 UDP 发送的字节帧.我有 Frame 类,它具有 sync、frameSize、data、checksum 等属性. 我使用十六进制字符串来表示值.像这样:

I'm trying to make byte frame which I will send via UDP. I have class Frame which has attributes sync, frameSize, data, checksum etc. I'm using hex strings for value representation. Like this:

testFrame = Frame("AA01","0034","44853600","D43F")


Now, I need to concatenate this hex values together and convert them to byte array like this?!

def convertToBits(self):
    stringMessage = self.sync + self.frameSize + + self.chk
    return b16decode(self.stringMessage)

但是当我打印转换后的值时,我没有得到相同的值,或者我不知道正确读取 python 表示法:

But when I print converted value I don't get the same values or I don't know to read python notation correctly:

This is sync: AA01
This is frame size: 0034
This is data:44853600
This is checksum: D43F


所以,第一个单词转换正常 (AA01 -> xaax01) 但 (0034 -> x004D) 它不一样.我尝试使用 bytearray.fromhex 因为我可以在字节之间使用空格,但我得到了相同的结果.你能帮我通过 UDP 发送相同的十六进制字吗?

So, first word is converted ok (AA01 -> xaax01) but (0034 -> x004D) it's not the same. I tried to use bytearray.fromhex because I can use spaces between bytes but I got same result. Can you help me to send same hex words via UDP?


Python 将任何可以表示可打印 ASCII 字符的字节显示为该字符.4x34 相同,但它选择在表示中打印 ASCII 字符.

Python displays any byte that can represent a printable ASCII character as that character. 4 is the same as x34, but as it opted to print the ASCII character in the representation.

所以 x004 真的和 x00x34 一样,Dx856x00x44x85x36x00,而xd4?xd4x3f相同,因为:

So x004 is really the same as x00x34, Dx856x00 is the same as x44x85x36x00, and xd4? is the same as xd4x3f, because:

>>> b'x34'
>>> b'x44'
>>> b'x36'
>>> b'x3f'


This is just the representation of the bytes value; the value is entirely correct and you don't need to do anything else.

如果有帮助,您可以使用 bytes 值可视化为十六进制" rel="nofollow">binascii.hexlify():

If it helps, you can visualise the bytes values as hex again using binascii.hexlify():

>>> import binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify(b'xaax01x004Dx856x00xd4?')

您会看到 4D6? 再次由正确的十六进制字符.

and you'll see that 4, D, 6 and ? are once again represented by the correct hexadecimal characters.
