如何在没有 MariaDB 的 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 上仅安装 MySQL?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 google-compute-engine debian mysql

当我安装 MySQL 时,它会在新的 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 上安装 Maria 的软件包,有什么建议吗?

When I install the MySQL it installs Maria's packages on the new Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), any suggestions?

apt-get install mysql-server


Debian Stretch (9.0) 不再包含 MySQL .当您尝试安装 mysql-server 时,有关后台发生的一些信息是 可在此处获得.

Debian Stretch (9.0) no longer includes MySQL . Some information on what's happening in the background when you try to install mysql-server is available here.

MariaDB 旨在成为 MySQL 的完全兼容替代品,但如果您真的想要 MySQL,您应该将 MySQL APT 存储库添加到您的系统 如此处所述.添加存储库后执行 apt update 然后继续安装 mysql-server 包.

MariaDB is designed to be a fully compatible drop in replacement for MySQL but if you really want MySQL you should add the MySQL APT repository to your system as described here. After adding the repository do an apt update and then proceed to install the mysql-server package.
