什么是 orradiag_<user>文件夹?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 debian oracle zend-server

安装 Zend 框架后,我在我的 Linux 文件夹层次结构中看到了这些.

I see these in the my Linux folder hierarchy after installing the Zend Framework.



This name reminds me of Oracle. But I did not find any official documentation about this.

我没有安装任何 Oracle 服务器.这是怎么回事?

I didn't install any Oracle server. What's going on here?


我从来没有在我的系统上安装过 Oracle,也不知道为什么这些目录一直被创建,但我终于设法阻止它们再次出现.这是它的完成方式.

I never installed Oracle on my system and don't know why these directories kept being created, but I finally managed to stop them from reappearing. Here's how it's done.


cd ~/odiag_<用户名>/diag/clients/user_<用户名>/host_*/trace/


head sqlnet.log

您应该会看到一条错误消息,抱怨目录不存在用于 r/w.对我来说,它是 /usr/lib/log.我创建了它抱怨的目录并删除了 odiag_<username> 目录,只是让它稍后重新出现;但是,sqlnet.log 文件现在抱怨不同的目录.

You should see an error message complaining about a directory not existing for r/w. For me, it was /usr/lib/log. I created the directory it was complaining about and deleted the oradiag_<username> directory, only to have it reappear later; however, the sqlnet.log file was now complaining about a different directory.


I repeated this process of creating directories a few times until the directory finally stopped appearing. In your case, the directories may be different, but here's what solved it for me:

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/log/diag/clients
sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/log/diag/clients

显然,只有 clients 目录需要是 777.

Only the clients directory needs to be 777, apparently.

现在只需清除当前出现的 odiag_ 目录.他们不应该再次为您弹出.

Now just wipe out the oradiag_<username> directories wherever they currently appear. They shouldn't pop up for you again.


In case you're curious, here's what finally ended up being written to that "missing" directory:

mike@mike-ubuntu:/usr/lib/log/diag/clients$ ll -a
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-08-24 10:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2011-08-24 10:34 ..

