如何通过 Ruby 连接到 SQL Server 2005 数据库

如何在 Windows 中通过 Ruby 连接 SQL Server 2005 数据库

How to connect to SQL Server 2005 database through Ruby in Windows


我很幸运使用 FreeTDS 和 TinyTDS 在 Linux 上.我更喜欢这条路,因为搞乱 ODBC 很痛苦.

I have luck using FreeTDS and TinyTDS on Linux. I prefer that path because messing with ODBC was a pain.

另外,我推荐使用 Sequel ORM,因为它有助于消除处理不同风格的任务SQL,让我们可以专注于编程,而不是编写与特定 DBM 相关的查询.

In addition, I recommend using the Sequel ORM, because it helps remove the task of dealing with different flavors of SQL, allowing us to concentrate on programming, not writing queries that are tied to a particular DBM.
