将行转换为列 oracle SQL

2022-01-22 00:00:00 pivot oracle

我没有找到任何合适的先前答案,因此发布了这个问题.我需要将行转换为列.PIVOT 示例都将行转换为单列,而我的要求是多列.我的桌子是这样的

I did not find any suitable previous answers hence posting the question. I need to convert rows to columns. The PIVOT examples all convert the rows to a single column whereas my requirement is multiple columns. My table looks like this

Type     ID
test1    10
test1    20
test1    30
test2    10
test2    40


Type       ID        Type      ID
test1      10       test2      10
test1      20       test2      40
test1      30



您可以使用 row_number() 枚举行并制作 pivot:

You could enumerate rows with row_number() and make pivot:

SQLFiddle 演示

select * 
  from (
    select d.*, row_number() over(partition by type order by id) rn from data d)
  pivot (max(type) type, max(id) id for type in ('test1' t1, 'test2' t2))
