
2022-01-22 00:00:00 database synchronization mysql sqlite

大家好,我有个问题如果我有一台运行 sqlite 的计算机,并且我想让 sqlite 在外部网络中同步 Mysql 服务器.如果sqlite中的数据已经(更改/修改),我如何同步我的MYSQL DB和sqlite,以便在MYSQL DB中的数据更改/修改时sqlite中的数据会(更改/修改)?

HI everybody, i have a question if i have a computer run sqlite , and i want to make sqlite sync Mysql server in the external network. If the data in the sqlite have been (changed/ modified), how can I sync my MYSQL DB and sqlite so that the data in sqlite will be (changed/ modified) when the data in MYSQL DB is changed/ modified?




geplicator 是一个实时解决方案旨在从 MySQL 复制数据数据库到任何其他关系数据库,如甲骨文、微软SQL Server、IBM DB2 UDB 和 MySQL.

geplicator is a real-time solution designed to replicate data from MySQL database to any other relational database, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 UDB and MySQL.
