存储过程中的经典 ADO 和表值参数

2022-01-20 00:00:00 sql-server stored-procedures vb6 ado

有没有办法通过经典 ADO 将表值参数传递给 SQL Server 中的存储过程?

Is there some way to pass a table-valued parameter to a stored procedure in SQL Server via classic ADO?


我以为它们是 2008 年的新产品?

I thought they were new in 2008?

无论如何,我认为答案是否定的,我怀疑是否有一个 DataTypeEnum 值可以满足您的需求.

Anyway, I think the answer is going to be no, I doubt there's a DataTypeEnum value that you'll be able to bend to your needs.

因此,如果我可以提出一个替代方案,我猜您想要做的是将某种结构化数据传递到存储过程中.我以前在 ADO 中使用 XML 做过这个:

So if I may suggest an alternative, I guess what you want to do is pass some sort of structured data into the stored procedure. I have done this before in ADO using XML:

  • 将存储过程中的参数定义为xml类型
  • 将 ADO 中的参数定义为类型 adLongVarChar,长度 = len(xml) + 1


I know it's not what you wanted, but it's a method that works
