寻找数据集以测试 FULLTEXT 样式搜索

2022-01-21 00:00:00 dataset database corpus mysql core-data

我正在寻找一个文本语料库来运行一些试验全文样式数据搜索.要么是我可以下载的东西,要么是生成它的系统.更随机的东西会更好,例如1,000,000 篇维基百科文章,格式易于插入 2 列数据库(id、文本).

I am looking for a corpus of text to run some trial fulltext style data searches across. Either something I can download, or a system that generates it. Something a bit more random would be better e.g. 1,000,000 wikipedia articles in a format easy to insert into a 2 column database (id, text).



因为我熟悉它,所以我会把它扔出去 - Prosper.com 提供他们的会员贷款列表以供分析 通过 XML 导出.导出将包含大约 50,000 个带有描述的贷款请求和超过 1,000,000 个成员资料(尽管其中许多是空的).

I'll throw this out there since I'm familiar with it - Prosper.com makes their member loan listings available for analysis through an XML export. The export would have about 50,000 loan requests with descriptions and over 1,000,000 member profiles (although many of those are empty).
