
2022-01-21 00:00:00 python function operators arguments


在 SQLAlchemy 中,我似乎应该将表达式传递给 filter() 在某些情况下.当我尝试自己实现这样的事情时,我最终得到:

In SQLAlchemy, it appears I'm supposed to pass an expression to filter() in certain cases. When I try to implement something like this myself, I end up with:

>>> def someFunc(value):
...     print(value)

>>> someFunc(5 == 5)

如何从函数内部获取传递给 == 的值?

How do I get the values passed to == from inside the function?


I'm trying to achieve something like this

 >>> def magic(left, op, right):
 ...    print(left + " " + op + " " + right)

 >>> magic(5 == 5)
 5 == 5


What about if one of the parameters was an object?



You can achieve your example if you make "op" a function:

>>> def magic(left, op, right):
...     return op(left, right)
>>> magic(5, (lambda a, b: a == b), 5)
>>> magic(5, (lambda a, b: a == b), 4)

这比传递字符串更具 Pythonic.这就是 sort() 等函数的工作原理.

This is more Pythonic than passing a string. It's how functions like sort() work.

那些带有 filter() 的 SQLAlchemy 示例令人费解.我不知道有关 SQLAlchemy 的内部结构,但我猜在像 query.filter(User.name == 'ed') 这样的例子中发生了什么是 User.name 是特定于 SQLAlchemy 的类型,具有 __eq() 函数的奇怪实现,它为 filter() 函数生成 SQL 而不是进行比较.即:他们制作了特殊的类,可让您键入发出 SQL 代码的 Python 表达式.这是一种不寻常的技术,我会避免使用这种技术,除非构建像 ORM 这样桥接两种语言的东西.

Those SQLAlchemy examples with filter() are puzzling. I don't know the internals about SQLAlchemy, but I'm guessing in an example like query.filter(User.name == 'ed') what's going on is that User.name is a SQLAlchemy-specific type, with an odd implementation of the __eq() function that generates SQL for the filter() function instead of doing a comparison. Ie: they've made special classes that let you type Python expressions that emit SQL code. It's an unusual technique, one I'd avoid unless building something that's bridging two languages like an ORM.
