
2022-01-20 00:00:00 复制 database-schema mysql


Is there any way to copy database structure without data in MySQL, so the new database will be the same as it is copied from, but with empty tables.

在得到一些建议后,我尝试了该命令,但出现语法错误,我的 username = rootpassword = nothing.我猜是默认的.我正在尝试以下命令,

After getting some suggestions I tried the command, but I am getting syntax error, my username = root and password = nothing. I guess the default one. I am trying following command,

mysqldump -u root -p -d xyz_db | mysql -u root -p -Dnew_db


what I am missing or misplacing in command?


mysqldump -u user -ppass -d olddb | mysql -u user -ppass -D newdb

新数据库必须已经存在.mysqldump 命令中的 -d 标志防止复制数据.

The new database must already exist. The -d flag in the mysqldump command prevents copying of data.

-p 标志和密码之间没有空格.

There's no space between the flag -p and the password.
