DeprecationWarning:布尔值已传递给 options.operatorsAliases.这是 v5 的无操作,应删除

2022-01-19 00:00:00 express mysql sequelize.js

我在使用 Sequelize 的 expressJs 上遇到错误

I'm getting below error on expressJs with Sequelize

DeprecationWarning: A boolean value was passed to options.operatorsAliases. This is a no-op with v5 and should be removed.


Any idea to fix this?


这不是错误,它只是一个警告,说明在 sequelize options 中将布尔值传递给 operatorsAliases> 将在 v5 中弃用.

This is not an error, it's simply a warning stating that passing boolean values to operatorsAliases in sequelize options will be deprecated in v5.

要删除警告,请将布尔值替换为 '1''0' 分别表示 true 和 false.

To remove the warning, replace the boolean value by '1' or '0' for true and false respectively.
