在 sequelize 中查找总和和分组

2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js mysql sequelize.js


I have a donations table as follows.


| id| amount | member_id |
| 0 |   500  |         01|
| 1 |  1000  |         02|
| 2 |  2000  |         01|

如何查找 sum 并按成员 id 对表进行分组,如下所示.

How to find sum and group the table by member id as follows.

| amount | member_id |
|  2500  |         01|
|  1000  |         02|


I tried to use the following code but it doesnt seem to work.

const salesValue = await DONATIONS.sum('amount', {
    group: 'member_id'


您必须使用 sequelize.fn 进行聚合.要定位金额列,您必须使用 sequelize.col 并将它们分组,您必须传递 group 选项.

You have to do an aggregation using sequelize.fn. To target the amount column you have to use sequelize.col and to group them you have to pass the group option.

const totalAmount = await DONATIONS.findAll({
        attributes: [
          [sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.col('amount')), 'total_amount'],
        group: ['member_id'],
