在没有 PHP 的 MYSQL 上将表字段更新为其值加上一个常量

2022-01-17 00:00:00 sql-update sql sum mysql

我想在 MYSQL 中执行 UPDATE,我在其中获取一个字段值,添加一个常量并将新值保存在同一字段中.

I would like to perform an UPDATE in MYSQL in which I take a field value, add a constant and save the new value in the same field.

假设我们在一个名为 aTable 的表中有一个名为 OldValue 的列.

Let's assume that we have a column called OldValue in a table called aTable.


UPDATE aTable SET OldValue = OldValue + 220 WHERE someField = someValue

你知道我该怎么做吗?我想使用单个查询(在某些管理面板上)而不制作 php 脚本.(当然,在那种情况下答案很简单.)

Do you have any idea on how I could do that? I would like to use a single query (on some administration panel) without making a php script. (Of course, in that case the answer is quite simple.)



查看它在 SQLFiddle 中的工作.


I used your exact query verbatim, except for substituting a real value for "someValue".
