SonarQube:如何减小 measure_data.ibd 的大小?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 sonarqube mysql

我已经使用 SonarQube/Sonar 几年了,measures_data.idb 的大小已经增长到 114GB,是的.

I've been using SonarQube/Sonar for a few years now and the measures_data.idb size has grown to a wopping 114GB, yes gig.


I've got the default house keeping settings set.

我正在使用 MySql 5.6(每个文件的默认设置)

I'm using MySql 5.6 (with default per file setting)

我正在使用 Sonar 4.0.

I'm using Sonar 4.0.

我尝试从 mysql 导出数据库,然后再次导入.但它的大小相同.它确实说明了..

I've tried exporting the db from mysql and then importing it again. but its the same size. It does state..

note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
status   : OK 

我从 Sonar 的批量删除"选项中删除了几个旧项目,但文件大小相同.

I've deleted a couple of old projects from Sonar's "Bulk Deletion" option, but the file is the same size.


Can anyone give me some advice on what to try next?




The solution in the end was simple.

从 MySQL 5.5 导出.(导出文件为 114 GB)

Export from MySQL 5.5. (export file is 114 GB)

卸载 MySQL 5.5(删除所有数据文件)

Uninstall MySQL 5.5 (remove all data files)

安装 MySQL 5.6

Install MySQL 5.6


从 MySQL 5.6 导出(导出文件现在为 13 GB)

Export from MySQL 5.6 (export file is now 13 GB)

卸载 MySQL 5.6(删除所有数据文件)

Uninstall MySQL 5.6 (remove all data files)

安装 MySQL 5.6

Install MySQL 5.6

