
2022-01-17 00:00:00 sql-update mysql


  it_id     item_id     item_name   
    1   ite_1            shirt
    2   ite_10           pant
    3   ite_11           socks
    4   ite_12           shoes
    5   ite_13            belt

现在我需要用 ite_(该行的 it_id 的值)更改 item_id


b sql 会为此查询什么??

what will b sql query for that??

如果我想用前缀改变 it_id 意味着new it_id=ite_x 其中 x 是它的(it_id's)以前的值(1,2,3,4,5 等....)并且 it_id 不是自动递增字段

if i want to change it_id with a prefix means new it_id=ite_x where x is it's(it_id's) previous value(1,2,3,4,5 etc....) and it_id is not an auto increment field


update table_name SET item_id=CONCAT('ite_', id)

对不起,您的列 id it_id,所以应该是(虽然不确定)

SORRY your column id it_id, so it should be (Not Sure Though)

update table_name SET item_id=CONCAT('ite_', it_id)

1] 将 it_id 的数据类型更改为 VARCHAR
2] 你的查询是

I think you can do it with follwing steps
1] Change datatype of it_id to VARCHAR
2] your query is

update table_name SET it_id=CONCAT('ite_', it_id)
