
2022-01-21 00:00:00 python plotly anaconda msgpack


我在尝试安装 plotly 时遇到问题.我继续使用 Debian 9 上的命令行升级 anaconda,我收到错误消息分布式 1.21.0 需要未安装的 msgpack".

I'm having a problem trying to install plotly. I proceeded to upgrade anaconda using the command line on Debian 9 and I received the error message "distributed 1.21.0 requires msgpack, which is not installed".

然后我尝试了 conda install mspack,然后是 pip install --upgade plotly,我得到distributed 1.22.0 requires msgpack, which is not installed".这个 1.22.0 错误消息是我对许多软件包的整个升级过程的开始.这会破坏情节吗?不知道,没试过,但是从msgpack网站https://msgpack.org/来看,很有可能导致错误.我们会看到的,我猜.不知道还能做什么.

Then I tried a conda install mspack, then a pip install --upgade plotly, and I get "distributed 1.22.0 requires msgpack, which is not installed". This 1.22.0 error message is what kicked off my whole upgrading process of many packages. Does this break plotly? Don't know, haven't tried but judging from msgpack website https://msgpack.org/, it is probable to cause errors. We'll see, I guess. Not sure what else to do.

pip install msgpack 没有解决问题


我在安装 dask 时遇到同样的问题后来我使用这两种方法中的任何一种解决了它.

I face same issue while installing dask Later I resolved it using either of these two methods.


First Method: Run this command

conda install -c anaconda msgpack-python


Second Method: Run this command

pip install msgpack
