Oracle 更新并返回一个值

2022-01-17 00:00:00 sql-update syntax oracle

我在一张大容量桌子上有一个 Update Statement.它一次只更新一行.

I am having a Update Statement on a large volume table. It updates only one row at a time.

Update MyTable
Set Col1 = Value
where primary key filters

随着这个更新语句的执行,我还想要一个值作为回报,以避免在同一个表上出现 Select Query 以节省资源.实现这一目标的语法是什么?

With this update statement gets executed I also want a value in return to avoid a Select Query on a same table to save resources. What will be my syntax to achieve this?


可以使用 RETURNING 关键字.

You can use the RETURNING keyword.

Update MyTable
Set Col1 = Value
where primary key filters
returning column1,column2...
into variable1,variable2...
