Doctrine 中的简单 IF 测试语句

2022-01-16 00:00:00 mysql doctrine

Doctrine 是否支持 IF 语句?我收到以下错误:

Does Doctrine support IF statements? I get the following error:

Expected known function, got 'IF'

使用 IF 执行此查询时:

while executing this query with IF:

$qb->select(", IF(c.type_id LIKE 9,, c.lastname) as name")

用纯 SQL 重写时它工作正常.有什么解决方法吗?

It works fine while re-written in pure SQL. Any workarounds?


是的 if 中的语句不支持你可以将它转换为 case when

Yes if statements in doctrine is not supported you may convert it to case when

IF(c.type_id LIKE 9,, c.lastname) as name

case when c.type_id = 9 then else c.lastname end as name

更新:从评论中,concat 函数在 case-when


The answer is yes very much allowed. Here is an example

mysql> select * from timesheets ;
| client_id | hours | category |
|         1 |  1.50 | onsite   |
|         1 |  1.50 | onsite   |
|         1 |  1.00 | remote   |
|         2 |  1.50 | remote   |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 
case when category = 'onsite' then concat('ON',' ',hours) else hours
end as dd from timesheets ;
| dd      |
| ON 1.50 |
| ON 1.50 |
| 1.00    |
| 1.50    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
