MySQL 和 MariaDB 数据库有什么区别?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 xampp mariadb mysql relational-database

我已经使用 XAMPP 很长时间了,很惊讶 XAMPP 已经从 MySQL 切换到 MariaDB.

I have been using XAMPP for a long time and was surprised that XAMPP has switched to MariaDB from MySQL.

此更改将如何影响使用 MySQL 的现有开发人员?例如,现有的 MySQL 开发工具能否与 MariaDB 无缝协作?开发者需要注意 MySQL 和 MariaDB 之间的哪些显着差异?

How will this change impact on existing developers using MySQL? For example, can existing development tools for MySQL work seamlessly with MariaDB? What are notable difference between MySQL and MariaDB that developers need to take note?

由于此数据库更改,我不确定是否建议升级 XAMPP 版本.我担心数据从 MySQL 迁移到 MariaDB.

I am not sure if it is advisable to upgrade XAMPP version because of this database change. I am worried of the migration of data from MySQL to MariaDB.


例如,现有的 MySQL 开发工具能否与 MariaDB 无缝协作?"

"For example, can existing development tools for MySQL work seamlessly with MariaDB?"

MySQL 的常用开发工具是 MySQL Workbench.MySQL Workbench 可能不支持 MariaDB.

A common development tool for MySQL is MySQL Workbench. MySQL Workbench may not support MariaDB.

请参阅:MySQL Workbench6.3.5 打开XAMPP MySQL本地数据库时崩溃

这里还有一个:MySQL Workbench 不兼容/非标准服务器

话虽如此,MySQL Workbench 还有其他选择(例如,HeidiSQL 是一个不错的选择,顺便说一句,它与 XAMPP 安装的本地 MariaDB 配合得很好).

Having said that, there are other options to MySQL Workbench (a good alternative is HeidiSQL for example, which works great by the way with the local MariaDB install by XAMPP).

但我相信所有这些都是次要的,在大多数情况下,迁移到 MariaDB 是无痛的,您不会注意到任何差异.最棒的是,网上似乎总是有关于你可能遇到的任何事情的好信息.我完全不会担心数据从 MySQL 迁移到 MariaDB".

But all of this is minor I believe, for the most part the move to MariaDB is painless and you won't notice any difference. The great thing is that there always seems to be good information online about anything you might run into anyway. I wouldn't worry much at all about "the migration of data from MySQL to MariaDB."

(好奇 user1824987 是否采取了行动,如果他们发现了任何方式,他们是否受到了影响.)

(Curious if user1824987 made the move and if so if they found any way they were impacted by it.)
