Docker 容器中的 MySQL 绑定地址

2022-01-14 00:00:00 docker dockerfile mysql remote-access

我想构建一个容器,它可以绑定到多个 IP 地址.绑定地址保存在my.cnf中,就可以了.如何定义它或使用 Dockerfile 注释掉以授予远程访问权限?

I would like to build a container, which enables bind to multiple IP addresses. Bind address is stored in my.cnf, it is okay. How to define it or maybe comment out with use of a Dockerfile to grant remote access?


sed 是通常是此类任务的首选武器.取自官方mysql dockerfile:

sed is usually the weapon of choice for such tasks. Taken from the official mysql dockerfile:

RUN sed -Ei 's/^(bind-address|log)/#&/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf

该命令注释掉 my.cnf 或 conf.d/* 中以 bind-addresslog 开头的行.

The command comments out lines starting with bind-address or log in my.cnf or conf.d/*.
