在 OS X 中使用 XAMPP 时如何访问 mysql 命令行工具?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 macos xampp mysql

我在 OS X 中安装了 XAMPP 的香草.如何访问 mysql 命令行工具?我试过在命令行输入mysql",但它会返回-bash: mysql: command not found".

I've got a vanilla install of XAMPP in OS X. How can I access the mysql command line tool? I've tried typing "mysql" at the command line, and it spits back "-bash: mysql: command not found".


XAMPP 安装在 Mac OS X 的以下目录中:

XAMPP is installed in Mac OS X in the following directory:


您可以查看该目录中的内容并运行 mysql 命令行工具,提供该目录的完整路径:

You can look what's inside that directory and run mysql command line tool providing the full path to it:

$ /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql

如果需要,您可以修改您的 PATH 环境变量以包含 XAMPP 二进制文件,而您无需一直指定整个路径.

If you need, you can modify your PATH environment variable to include XAMPP binaries and you won't need to specify the whole path all the time.
