
2022-01-14 00:00:00 database xampp mysql

由于我的 XAMPP 无法正常工作,我已从计算机上将其卸载.安装时,我收到有关是否要删除 htdocs 文件夹的警告消息.由于我所有的程序都在 htdocs 中,所以我没有删除它.但是我没有收到有关数据库的警告消息,因此我忘记了数据库.我也没有备份.卸载后发现xampp只包含文件夹htdocs,没有数据库.有没有办法恢复数据库?请帮忙.我很着急,因为数据库中有很多数据和表格.

As my XAMPP was not working properly, I have uninstalled it from my computer. While installation, I got the warning message about whether I want to delete the htdocs folder too. As all my programs were in htdocs, I have not deleted it. But I got no warning message about the databases and as a result I have forgotten about the databases. I have no backup copy too. After uninstallation, I found that xampp contains only the folder htdocs and no databases. Is there anyway to restore the databases? Please help. I am very anxious as there were a lot of data and tables in the databases.


根据Mysql 数据库表在 XAMPP 文件夹中的具体位置是什么?,XAMPP 将 MySQL datadir 存储在 C:xamppmysqldata在 Windows 上和 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql 在 Mac 上.除非您手动更改 datadir,否则您的数据库文件将存储在 XAMPP 文件夹中.由于该文件夹现在只有 htdocs 子目录,不幸的是,您的数据库似乎已经消失了.如果您有旧系统的文件级备份,那么您就有机会恢复足够多的数据库来恢复存储的数据.

According to What is the exact location of Mysql database tables in XAMPP folder?, XAMPP stores the MySQL datadir in C:xamppmysqldata on Windows and /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql on Mac. Unless you manually changed the datadir, your database files are stored in the XAMPP folder. Since that folder only has the htdocs subdirectory now, unfortunately, your database seems to be gone. If you have file-level backups of the old system, there's a chance you can restore the database enough to recover the stored data.
