XAMPP 不工作!- OS X 优胜美地

我在 OS X Mavericks 上使用 XAMPP 1.8.3-3.升级到 Yosemite Mysql 服务器后停止工作.升级到 XAMPP 1.8.3-5 解决了这个问题,mysql 服务器开始工作.

I was working with XAMPP 1.8.3-3 on OS X Mavericks. After upgrading to Yosemite Mysql server stopped working. And an upgrade to XAMPP 1.8.3-5 fixed the problem and mysql server starts working.

现在整个数据库列表显示在 phpmyadmin 上,但无法访问表.它显示#1146 - 表‘DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME’不存在".

Now the entire database list is showing on phpmyadmin, but no access to the tables. Its showing "#1146 - Table ‘DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME’ doesn’t exist".


Unfortunately I don't have any DB backup!

我有整个 XAMPP 文件夹的备份.那么我怎样才能检索到 mysql 表呢?

I have the entire XAMPP folder backup. So how I can able to retrieve the mysql tables?


只需输入/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start在终端然后启动 xampp

just type /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start in terminal then start xampp
