从 MySQL 迁移到 NoSQL 的示例?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 nosql migration mysql

对于类似 Facebook 的网站,即.它是写入密集型并提供用户自定义页面,我想构建一个原型来研究以文档为中心的 NoSQL 架构是否是分片的一个很好的替代方案,并减少单个主机(+多个从机)的负载我们目前使用的是瓶颈.

For a Facebook-like site, ie. which is write-intensive and delivers user-customized pages, I'd like to build a prototype to investigate whether the document-centric NoSQL architecture would be a good alternative to sharding and reduce the load on the single master (+ multiple slaves) that we currently use and is the bottleneck.

有没有人知道一篇好的文章可以提供从 MySQL 中的关系布局到 NoSQL 布局的实际简单示例?

Does someone know of a good article that would give actual, simple examples of going from a relational layout in MySQL to a NoSQL layout?


你可以查看一个真实的 twitter 简单克隆示例

You may check a real example of a working twitter simple clone


源代码位于 http://github.com/ericflo/twissandra

这是另一篇解释 cassandra 数据模型的好文章:

Here's another good article explaining cassandra data model:

