您如何在协作的、受版本控制的环境中处理 Oracle 包?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 package oracle version-control

我在 Oracle 的多开发人员环境中工作,其中包含一个大型软件包.我们有一个 DEV => TST => PRD 推广模式.目前,所有的包编辑都是直接在 TOAD 中进行,然后编译到 DEV 包中.

I'm working in a multi-developer environment in Oracle with a large package. We have a DEV => TST => PRD promotion pattern. Currently, all package edits are made directly in TOAD and then compiled into the DEV package.


  1. 需要按不同的时间表推进并发更改.例如,开发人员 A 进行了一项明天需要升级的更改,而开发人员 B 正在同时进行一项在两周内不会升级的更改.到了推广时间,我们发现自己手动注释掉了尚未推广的内容,然后又取消注释......呸!!!

  1. Concurrent changes need to be promoted on different schedules. For instance, developer A makes a change that needs to be promoted tomorrow while developer B is concurrently working on a change that won't be promoted for another two weeks. When it comes promotion time, we find ourselves manually commenting out stuff that isn't being promoted yet and then uncommenting it afterwards...yuck!!!


If two developers are making changes at the same exact time and one of them compiles, it wipes out the other developer's changes. There isn't a nice merge; instead the latest compile wins.

您会推荐什么策略来解决这个问题?我们正在使用 TFS 进行源代码控制,但尚未将其用于我们的 Oracle 包.

What strategies would you recommend to get around this? We are using TFS for our source-control but haven't yet utilized this with our Oracle packages.


P.S. I've seen this posting, but it doesn't fully answer my question.


我们使用 Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.NET...直接插入 TFS

We use Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.NET...plugs right into TFS
