mysql客户端“.my.cnf"的位置是什么?在 Windows 的 XAMPP 中?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 windows xampp mysql


What is the location of mysql client .my.cnf using XAMPP in Windows?


Clarification: This file does not exist by default, so when you create it, where should you place it, in order for the command line client to read it automatically?



mysql --help 

然后看看输出.有一段大约 3/4 的文本描述了它从哪些文件中找到了默认的 .my.cnf.这是 XAMPP v3.2.1 中的一个示例:

Then look at the output. There is a block of text about 3/4 the way down describing what files it finds its defaults .my.cnf from. Here is an example from XAMPP v3.2.1:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:Windowsmy.ini C:Windowsmy.cnf C:my.ini C:my.cnf C:xamppmysqlmy.ini C:xamppmysqlmy.cnf C:xamppmysqlinmy.ini C:xamppmysqlinmy.cnf


Your setup may differ. You will have to run the command to check the actual paths on your particular system.
