
2022-01-13 00:00:00 datetime time timestamp mysql

我猜这相对简单,但我不确定语法.我有要合并到时间戳列的日期和时间列.我将如何使用 select 查询这个?

I am guessing this is relatively simple to do, but I am unsure of the syntax. I have date and time columns that I want to combine to a timestamp column. how would I query this using a select?


Mysql好像没有datetime('2017-10-26', '09:28:00')这样的datetime构造函数.因此,您必须将组件部分视为字符串并使用字符串连接函数(注意 mysql 没有用于字符串连接的 || 运算符).如果您想要 datetime 类型,则必须强制转换它.

Mysql does not seem to have a constructor for datetime such as datetime('2017-10-26', '09:28:00'). So you will have to treat the component part as string and use string concatenation function (Note mysql does not have the || operator for string concatenation). If you want the datetime type, you will have to cast it.

concat(datefield,' ',timefield) as date

select cast(concat('2017-10-26', ' ', '09:28:00') as datetime) as dt;
