MySQL 使用时间戳按天分组结果

2022-01-13 00:00:00 timestamp mysql


I need to take the following query and pull the total order counts and sum of the orders grouped by day. I'm storing everything using timestamps.

    COUNT(id) as order_count,
    SUM(price + shipping_price) as order_sum,
    DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created)) as day
FROM `order`
WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).'

我需要按 DAY 分组,但是当我为上周末的销售进行分组时,它需要我的 order_count 并将其设为 1 而不是 3.如何提取按天分组的上述值?

I need to group by DAY but when I do for this past weekend's sales it takes my order_count and makes it 1 instead of 3. How can I pull the above values grouped by day?

注意:内爆仅用于定义时间段(创建位置 >= TIMESTAMP AND <= TIMESTAMP)

NOTE: The implode is used ONLY to define the time period (WHERE created >= TIMESTAMP AND <= TIMESTAMP)


没有 GROUP BY day

Without GROUP BY day

Array ( 
    [order_count] => 3
    [order_sum] => 69.70
    [day] => 17

使用 GROUP BY day

With GROUP BY day

Array ( 
    [order_count] => 1
    [order_sum] => 24.90
    [day] => 17


I need this query to return each day that had sales, how many orders, and the sum of those sales. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle here somewhere....


你是不是忘了在最后加上GROUP BY ...?

Are you just forgetting to add GROUP BY ... at the end?

    COUNT(id) as order_count,
    SUM(price + shipping_price) as order_sum,
    DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created)) as order_day
FROM `order`
WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).'
GROUP BY order_day


您不能将 as day 用于您的 day 列,因为 day 是 MySQL 函数.使用 order_day 之类的内容.


You cannot use as day for your day column because day is a MySQL function. Use something like order_day.

根据@OMG Unicorn 的评论,您可以使用:

Per @OMG Unicorn's comment, you can use:

DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(created)) as `day`

只要将 day 包裹在 ` 反引号中.

So long as wrap day in ` backticks.
