
2022-01-11 00:00:00 console database spaces mysql

我想在 mysql 控制台中选择我的特定数据库,但问题是我的数据库名称之间有一个空格,mysql 忽略了空格后面的部分.例如,当我发出命令时:

I want to select my particular database in mysql console, but the problem is that my database name has a space in between and mysql ignores the part after the space. For instance, when i give the command:

use 'student registration'


cannot find database 'student'


您应该尝试使用反引号 ("`") 来引用您的数据库名称.一般来说,最好使用命名约定来消除空格,例如

You should try using back ticks ("`") to quote your database name. Generally speaking, it's probably better to use a naming convention to eliminate white space, e.g.

USE `StudentRegistration`;

USE `student_registration`;
