使用 SSAS 多维多维数据集的 Power BI Slow

我们正在使用 SSAS Cube Direct Query 实施 Power BI.出于某种原因,SSAS Power BI 的性能极其缓慢,但使用 SSDT SSAS 应用程序或 Power View 或 Excel 则要快得多.

We are implementing Power BI with SSAS Cube Direct Query. For some reason, SSAS Power BI is extremely slow performance, however using SSDT SSAS Application or Power View or Excel is Much faster.

我读到 Power BI 通过将 MDX 转换为 DAX 查询来转换 SSAS 多维模型.有什么方法可以加快 SSAS 的 Power BI 查询,或者直接使用 MDX 查询?

I read that Power BI converts SSAS Multidimensional models by converting MDX to a DAX query. Is there any method to speed up Power BI queries for SSAS, or use MDX queries directly?

我们正在应用 SSAS 多维模型.


我不认为是MDX转DAX导致的性能问题因为 Direct Query 不会转换查询.另一方面,直接查询有很多限制,并不总是推荐.

I don't think that the performance issue is caused by converting MDX into DAX since Direct Query doesn't convert the query. On the other hand Direct Query has many limitations and it is not always recommended.

两年前,Power BI 团队创建了一个改进主题直接查询

Two years ago, the Power BI team created a topic for improving Direct Query

我认为没有针对通用案例的直接解决方案(将 SSAS 多维与 Power BI 结合使用),但您必须阅读有关 Direct Query 限制、最佳实践和用例的更多信息.

I don't think there is a direct solution for a generic case (using SSAS Multidimensional with Power BI), but you must read more about the Direct Query limitations, best practices and use cases.

参考以下官方文档,有一些使用 Direct Query 的最佳实践:

Referring to the following official documentation, there are some best practices for using Direct Query:

  • DirectQuery 最佳实践


  • 使用 Power BI 直接查询
  • 在#powerbi 和#ssas #tabular 中使用和优化DirectQuery
  • 在 Power 中使用 DirectQuery商业智能
  • DirectQuery 简介
