MySQL 选择具有 LIMIT 的结果的总和

2022-01-09 00:00:00 sum mysql

我有一张桌子,上面摆满了上述物品的物品和价格.我想获取价格最高的 3 件商品的总和.

I have a table full of items and prices for said items. I would like to grab the SUM of the 3 highest priced items.

我想也许 SELECT SUM(items.price) FROM items ORDER BY items.price LIMIT 3 但这似乎没有奏效.这可能吗?谢谢!

I thought perhaps SELECT SUM(items.price) FROM items ORDER BY items.price LIMIT 3 but that does not seem to do the trick. Is this possible? Thanks!


select sum(price) from (select items.price from items order by items.price desc limit 3) as subt;
