在Sql Server中,如何将二进制字符串转换为二进制?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 string binary sql sql-server

我有一些字符串格式的数据代表二进制数据(例如'0x0002').是否有一些功能或技巧可以将它们从文字字符串转换为二进制?也就是说,我希望 '0x0002' 变为 0x0002,而 SELECT CAST('0x0002' AS BINARY(20)) 显然不会那样做.我确实提出了一些非常缓慢的过程,包括构建 SQL 语句并将它们分配给一个变量并执行它(例如EXEC(@Query)"),但我正在寻找一些我不需要做的事情那个.

I have some data in string format that represents binary data (e.g. '0x0002'). Is there some function or trick where I can convert these from literal strings to binary? That is, I want '0x0002' to become 0x0002, and SELECT CAST('0x0002' AS BINARY(20)) obviously won't do that. I did come up with some painfully slow process that involves building up SQL Statements and assigning them to a variable and executing that (e.g. "EXEC (@Query)"), but I'm looking for something where I don't have to do that.


If it helps, here is a sample table that you can test this on:

CREATE TABLE #T (BinaryString VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #T VALUES('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002') -- Binary = the integer 2
INSERT INTO #T VALUES('0x000000000000000000000000000000000000007B') -- Binary = the integer 123


旧代码,SQL 7,sp_hexadecimal

SQL 2005(可能 + 2000),master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr

SQL 2008,原生
