手动重命名 SSMS 中的选项卡

2022-01-09 00:00:00 settings tabs sql-server ssms

我总是对 SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 中的哪个选项卡感到困惑.我没有发现标签的默认命名方案非常直观.有没有办法手动重命名它们?

I'm always getting confused as to which tab is which in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2. I don't find the default naming scheme of tabs very intuitive. Is there a way I can manually rename them?


如果您打开选项屏幕并在文本编辑器下设置以下标志 >编辑器选项卡和状态栏 >标签文本:

If you open your options screen and set the following flags under Text Editor > Editor Tab and Status Bar > Tab Text:

Include database name: False
Include file name:     True
Include login name:    False
Include server name:   False


Then save the query as something simple you may see the results you want.
