
2022-01-21 00:00:00 python dataset


我有这样的 1000 行数据集

I have dataset with 1000 rows like this

 Date,      Cost,         Quantity(in ton),    Source,          Unloading Station
    01/10/2015, 7,            5.416,               XYZ,           ABC

我想根据日期拆分数据.例如截至日期 20.12.2016 是训练数据,之后是测试数据.

i want to split the data on the base of date. For e.g. till date 20.12.2016 is a training data and after that it is test data.


How should i split? Is it possible?


您可以通过将列转换为 pandas to_datetime 类型并将其设置为索引来轻松地做到这一点.

You can easily do that by converting your column to pandas to_datetime type and set it as index.

import pandas as pd
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df.set_index(df['Date'])
df = df.sort_index()


Once you have your data in this format, you can simply use date as index for creating partition as follows:

# create train test partition
train = df['2015-01-10':'2016-12-20']
test  = df['2016-12-21':]
print('Train Dataset:',train.shape)
print('Test Dataset:',test.shape)
