laravel 4 - 如何限制(采取和跳过)雄辩的 ORM?

2022-01-08 00:00:00 limit mysql laravel laravel-4 eloquent

你能不能限制一个 Eloquent ORM 查询,比如使用 take()skip() 以便生成的 mysql 查询也受到限制,并且不必返回整个数据集?

Can you limit an Eloquent ORM query like using take() and skip() so that the resulting mysql query is also limited, and it doesn't have to return the entire dataset?


If so, how would you modify:

$test = User::find(1)->games->toArray();

要包括 limit 3 offset 2?

users       games           userGames
-- id       -- id           -- user_id
-- name     -- name         -- game_id
            -- steam_id


class User extends Eloquent {
    public function games() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('Game', 'userGames', 'user_id', 'game_id');

class Game extends Eloquent {
    public function users() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('User', 'userGames', 'user_id', 'game_id');



使用常规的 Laravel Query Builder 我可以获得属于 id 1 的 user 的所有 games,并用 限制结果>take()skip():

Limit in Query Builder

Using the regular Laravel Query Builder I can get all games that belong to user of id 1, and limit the result with take() and skip():

$test = DB::table('games')
    ->join('userGames', 'userGames.game_id', '=', '')
    ->where('userGames.user_id', '=', '1')->take(3)->skip(2)->get();

通过监听 illuminate.query 事件我可以看到由此生成的查询是:

By listening to the illuminate.query event I can see that the query generated by this is:

select * from `games`
inner join `userGames`
on `userGames`.`game_id` = `games`.`id`
where `userGames`.`user_id` = ?
limit 3 offset 2

Eloquent ORM 中的限制

当我尝试用 Eloquent 重新创建相同的查询时:

Limit in Eloquent ORM

When I try to recreate the same query with Eloquent:

$test = User::find(1)->games->take(2)->toArray();

我可以使用 take 但添加 skip 会导致错误.此外,生成的查询实际上并不包含限制:

I'm able to use take but adding skip causes an error. Also the resulting query does not actually contain the limit:

select `games`.*, `userGames`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`,
`userGames`.`game_id` as `pivot_game_id` from `games`
inner join `userGames`
on `games`.`id` = `userGames`.`game_id`
where `userGames`.`user_id` = ?


So it seems that the entire result is being queried first, which is not ideal when dealing with large data sets.

是否可以限制 Eloquent ORM 查询,以便在 MYSQL 查询级别也限制结果,相当于 limit 3 offset 2?

Is it possible to limit an Eloquent ORM query so that at the MYSQL Query level it also limits the result, equivalent to limit 3 offset 2?




I think this should give you your collection. :)

->games 将为您提供一个集合,其中 ->games() 将提供一个查询构建器实例.

->games will give you a collection, where ->games() will offer a query builder instance.

享受 Laravel!

Enjoy Laravel!
