SAS 中的大字符字段大小

2022-01-08 00:00:00 blob types sas odbc mysql

我正在尝试通过 SAS ODBC 直通从 MySQL 表中导入一个大型 blob 字段.该字段大于 SAS 中允许的最大长度.根据 SAS 9.2 文档,字符类型字段的最大长度为 32k.有没有人有在 SAS 中存储大字符字段的经验?除了将其分解为更小的子字符串之外,还有什么建议吗?

I am trying to import a large blob field from a MySQL table via SAS ODBC passthrough. The field is larger than the maximum length allowed in SAS. According to SAS 9.2 documentation character type fields can have a maximum length of 32k. Has anyone had experience storing large character fields in SAS? Any suggestions other than the obvious one of breaking it down into smaller substrings?



如果您确实需要对所有 32K 数据进行操作,我会将其导入多个列并使用数组随时迭代这些列您需要进行处理.

If you REALLY do need all 32K of that data to operate on, I would import it into more than one column and use arrays to iterate over those columns any time you need to do processing.

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