
2022-01-07 00:00:00 csv utf-8 character-encoding mysql

我想通过以下方式将 .csv 文件导入 MySQL 数据库:

I want to import an .csv file into MySQL Database by:

load data local infile 'C:\Users\t_lichtenberger\Desktop\tblEnvironmentLog.csv'
into table tblenvironmentlog
character set utf8
fields terminated by ';'
lines terminated by '
ignore 1 lines;

.csv 文件如下所示:

The .csv file looks like:


But I am getting the following error and I cannot explain why:

Error Code: 1300. Invalid utf8 character string: 'M'




See what the settings for the export were. Look for "UTF-8".

这个 表明截断文本"是由数据未编码为 utf8mb4 引起的.在 MySQL 之外,寻找UTF-8".(在 MySQL 内部,utf8 和 utf8mb4 对于所有欧洲字符集同样有效,因此 ü 应该不是问题.

如果导出为cp1252"(或多种编码中的任何一种),ü 的字节对于 utf8mb4 将无效,从而导致截断.

If it was exported as "cp1252" (or any of a number of encodings), the byte for ü would not be valid for utf8mb4, leading to truncation.


If this analysis is correct, there are two solutions:

A 计划:导出为 UTF-8.

计划 B:导入为 latin1.(您不需要更改列/表定义,只需更改LOAD DATA.)

Plan B: Import as latin1. (You do not need to change the column/table definition, just the LOAD DATA.)
