在 Codeigniter 下,是否可以看到 mysql_error()?

2022-01-06 00:00:00 transactions mysql codeigniter

我有一个 Codeigniter 应用程序(使用 2.1.0 版)正在将事务写入 mysql 数据库.我相当确定我发生了外键约束错误,但我找不到让 CI 告诉我特定错误的方法.mysql_error() 返回空.

I have an Codeigniter app (using version 2.1.0) that is writing a transaction to a mysql database. I'm fairly sure that I've got a foreign key constraint error occurring, but I can find no way to make CI tell me the specific error. mysql_error() comes back empty.

谁能告诉我如何让 Codeigniter 告诉我 mysql 错误信息?

Can anyone tell me how to get Codeigniter to tell me the mysql error message?


是的,这是 mysql_error() 包装器.

Yes, this is the mysql_error() wrapper.


mysql_errno 包装器是:

And the mysql_errno wrapper is:

