如何使用 phpmyadmin 添加删除级联和更新限制?

2022-01-05 00:00:00 foreign-keys mysql phpmyadmin

我想通过 phpmyadmin 用户界面在外键上添加删除级联和更新限制",而不是执行查询.

I want to add 'On delete cascade and on update restrict' on foreign keys through phpmyadmin user Interface instead of executing query.

我通常使用 Heidisql 控制面板来执行这些操作.现在我很难在 phpmyadmin 上做同样的事情.

I generally use Heidisql control panel for doing these actions. And now I'm having hard time doing the same on phpmyadmin.




In the tab where you define the table structure, you get the list of columns and their properties and underneath that there should be a link "relation view", between "print view", and "propose table structure."

这就是你想去的地方,但你必须已经在两个表上创建了索引.此外,您可能需要确保您使用的是 mysql 的 innoDB 存储引擎.

That's where you want to go, but you have to have created the index on both tables already. Also, you might want to make sure you're using mysql's innoDB storage engine.

一张图片价值 1000 字:

Edit : An image is worth 1000 words :
