MySQL 命令行客户端中的自动完成

2022-01-05 00:00:00 console autocomplete mysql

在 Linux 和许多其他系统中,在终端导航时,您可以按 Tab 自动完成目录或文件名.

In Linux, and many other systems, when navigating the terminal you can press Tab to auto complete a directory or file name.

我想知道 MySQL 终端中是否有类似的东西.例如,如果我想获得 someTableWithRidiculousLongName 的描述,我可以输入 describe someTableW 然后 Tab 它将自动完成其余部分.

I'm wondering if there is anything like that in the MySQL terminal. For example, if I want to get the description of someTableWithRidiculousLongName I could type describe someTableW then Tab and it would auto-complete the rest.

MySQL 终端中有类似的东西吗?

Does anything like that exist in the MySQL terminal?


在您的主目录中编辑或创建一个名为 .my.cnf 的文件,其中包含:

Edit or create a file called .my.cnf in your home directory, containing:

