PHPMyAdmin Windows XAMPP 缺少 MySQL 扩展问题

2022-01-05 00:00:00 localhost xampp mysql phpmyadmin

我尝试手动安装 Apache、PHP、MySQL 和 PHPMyAdmin,但出现错误.然后尝试了 XAMPP,但 PHPMyAdmin 仍然出现此错误:

I've tried install Apache, PHP, MySQL, and PHPMyAdmin manually and got the error. Then tried XAMPP and still got the error this error with PHPMyAdmin:

The mysql extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. <a href="Documentation.html#faqmysql" target="documentation"><img class="icon" src="./themes/pmahomme/img/b_help.png" width="11" height="11" alt="Documentation" title="Documentation" /></a>

我不知道问题是什么.我已经在网上尝试过解决方案,但到目前为止都没有奏效.这是一个新的 Windows 安装,我在 C: 上安装了 XAMPP.

I'm clueless of what the issue is. I've tried solutions on the web and none worked so far. This is a new Windows installation and I installed XAMPP on C:.


相当简单的修复.找到您的 PHP.ini 文件,其中会有一个扩展名列表.寻找说 mysql 的那个,然后把 ; 从行的前面去掉.

Fairly simple fix. Find your PHP.ini file, and in it there will be a list of extensions. Look for the one that says mysql and take the ; off the front of the line.


如果您不知道您的 PHP.ini 文件所在的位置,您可以将此代码放入脚本中以找出:

If you don't know where your PHP.ini file resides, you can put this code in a script to find out:

