
2022-01-21 00:00:00 python plotly timeserieschart


我有一个以 15 分钟为间隔的几个月内欧元/日元汇率的图表,因此没有从周五晚上到周日晚上的数据.

I have a plotly graph of the EUR/JPY exchange rate across a few months in 15 minute time intervals, so as a result, there is no data from friday evenings to sunday evenings.


Here is a portion of the data, note the skip in the index (type: DatetimeIndex) over the weekend:

以 plotly 的形式绘制此数据会导致缺失日期的差距使用上面的数据框:

Plotting this data in plotly results in a gap over the missing dates Using the dataframe above:

import plotly.graph_objs as go
candlesticks = go.Candlestick(x=data.index, open=data['Open'], high=data['High'],
                   low=data['Low'], close=data['Close'])
fig = go.Figure(layout=cf_layout)



As you can see, there are gaps where the missing dates are. One solution I've found online is to change the index to text using:

data.index = data.index.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")

并再次绘制它,这确实有效,但有它自己的问题.x 轴标签看起来很糟糕:

and plotting it again, which admittedly does work, but has it's own problem. The x-axis labels look atrocious:

我想生成一个图形,该图形绘制第二个图中没有间隙的图形,但 x 轴的显示方式与第一个图形上的一样.或者至少以更简洁和响应式的格式显示,尽可能接近第一个图表.

I would like to produce a graph that plots a graph like in the second plot where there are no gaps, but the x-axis is displayed like as it is on the first graph. Or at least displayed in a much more concise and responsive format, as close to the first graph as possible.




Even if some dates are missing in your dataset, plotly interprets your dates as date values, and shows even missing dates on your timeline. One solution is to grab the first and last dates, build a complete timeline, find out which dates are missing in your original dataset, and include those dates in:





import plotly.graph_objects as go
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# sample data
df = pd.read_csv('')

# remove some dates to build a similar case as in the question
df = df.drop(df.index[75:110])
df = df.drop(df.index[210:250])
df = df.drop(df.index[460:480])

# build complete timepline from start date to end date
dt_all = pd.date_range(start=df['Date'].iloc[0],end=df['Date'].iloc[-1])

# retrieve the dates that ARE in the original datset
dt_obs = [d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])]

# define dates with missing values
dt_breaks = [d for d in dt_all.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").tolist() if not d in dt_obs]

# make fiuge
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=df['Date'],
                open=df['AAPL.Open'], high=df['AAPL.High'],
                low=df['AAPL.Low'], close=df['AAPL.Close'])

# hide dates with no values

fig.update_layout(yaxis_title='AAPL Stock')
