
2022-01-01 00:00:00 constraints oracle triggers

使用 Oracle,如果列值可以是 'YES' 或 'NO' 是否可以限制表,以便只有一行可以具有 'YES' 值?

Using Oracle, if a column value can be 'YES' or 'NO' is it possible to constrain a table so that only one row can have a 'YES' value?


I would rather redesign the table structure but this is not possible.

[UDPATE] 遗憾的是,此表中不允许使用空值.

[UDPATE] Sadly, null values are not allowed in this table.



create unique index only_one_yes on mytable
(case when col='YES' then 'YES' end);

Oracle 只索引不完全为空的键,这里的 CASE 表达式确保所有的 'NO' 值都更改为空值,因此不会被索引.

Oracle only indexes keys that are not completely null, and the CASE expression here ensures that all the 'NO' values are changed to nulls and so not indexed.
