如何使用 REGEXP_SUBSTR 解析数据?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 regex sql oracle11g oracle regex-greedy

我有一个这样的数据集(见下文),我尝试提取形式为 {variable_number_of_digits}{hyphen}{only_one_digit} 的数字:

I have a data set like this (see below) and I try to extract digits which are in form {variable_number_of_digits}{hyphen}{only_one_digit}:

with mcte as (
select 'ILLD/ELKJS/00000000/ELKJS/FHSH' as addr from dual
union all 
select 'ILLD/EFECTE/0116988-7-002/ADFA/ADFG' as addr from dual
union all
select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/' as addr  from dual
union all
select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE' as addr from dual
select  addr, 
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'(/)([0-9-]+)',1,1,NULL,2) AS num1,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'(/)([^/]+/)([0-9-]+)',1,1,NULL,3) num2
from mcte


I'm not getting a correct results set which should be the following

|                ADDR                 |   NUM1    |   NUM2    |
| ILLD/ELKJS/00000000/ELKJS/FHSH      | NULL      | NULL      |
| ILLD/EFECTE/0116988-7-002/ADFA/ADFG | NULL      | NULL      |
| IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/          | 1573230-0 | 2216755-7 |
| IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE   | 1573230-0 | NULL      |



如果你想从第二个和第三个 / 分隔的组中得到结果,那么:

If you want to get the results from the second and third / delimited groups then:

with mcte ( addr ) as (
  select 'ILLD/ELKJS/00000000/ELKJS/FHSH'      from dual union all 
  select 'ILLD/EFECTE/0116988-7-002/ADFA/ADFG' from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/'          from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE'   from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/TEST/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE'   from dual
select  addr, 
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'^[^/]*/(d+-d)/',1,1,NULL,1) AS num1,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'^[^/]*/[^/]*/(d+-d)/',1,1,NULL,1) num2
from mcte;


ADDR                                   NUM1                NUM2
-------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/             1573230-0           2216755-7
IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE      1573230-0
IIODK/TEST/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE                     1573230-0



If you just want the first and second pattern that match and do not care where they are in the string then:

with mcte ( addr ) as (
  select 'ILLD/ELKJS/00000000/ELKJS/FHSH'         from dual union all 
  select 'ILLD/EFECTE/0116988-7-002/ADFA/ADFG'    from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/'             from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE'      from dual union all
  select 'IIODK/TEST/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE' from dual union all
  select '1234567-8'                              from dual union all
  select '1234567-8/9876543-2'                    from dual union all
  select '1234567-8/TEST/9876543-2'               from dual
select  addr, 
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'(^|/)(d+-d)(/|$)',1,1,NULL,2) AS num1,
        REGEXP_SUBSTR(addr,'(^|/)d+-d(/.+?)?/(d+-d)(/|$)',1,1,NULL,3) num2
from mcte;


ADDR                                   NUM1                NUM2

-------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------
IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-7/             1573230-0           2216755-7
IIODK/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE      1573230-0
IIODK/TEST/1573230-0/2216755-700/WRITE 1573230-0           
1234567-8                              1234567-8
1234567-8/9876543-2                    1234567-8           9876543-2
1234567-8/TEST/9876543-2               1234567-8           9876543-2
