2021-12-30 00:00:00 sql sql-server ssis informix biml

我使用 BIML 为 SSIS 动态创建加载包以将数据从 Informix 加载到 SQL Server.问题是这个 BIML 代码产生了下面的 SQL

Im using BIML to dynamically create load packages for SSIS to load data from Informix to SQL Server. The problem is that this BIML code produces the SQL below

<DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM <#=table.GetTag("SourceSchemaQualifiedName")#></DirectInput>

SELECT [column1], [column2], [column3], FROM [mySchema].[mySrcTable]

但是由于括号的原因,这在我的源数据库中不起作用.我可以通过任何方式获取列列表 &动态没有括号的表名?

But that doesnt work in my source database because of the brackets. Any way i can get the columnlist & tablename without the brackets dynamically?



<#=table.GetColumnList(string.Empty, """, """)#>

它应该生成一个没有表别名的双引号包裹的列名 - 我认为是 Informix 所期望的.

which should produce a double quote wrapped column name with no table alias - which I think is what Informix expects.
