SSIS 错误:尝试向数据流任务缓冲区添加一行失败,错误代码为 0xC0047020

我有 SSIS 进程的问题(实际上两个不同的进程会出现同样的问题).所以,我们正在使用 SSIS 做一些 ETL 工作.我们有从 Visual Studio 执行没有错误的商业智能项目.但是,当它部署在服务器上并作为作业安排时,它会失败并出现如下错误:

I have problems with SSIS process(acctually the same problem occurs for two different processes). So, we are doing some ETL work using SSIS. We have Business Intelligence project that executes without errors from Visual Studio. However when its deployed on the server and scheduled as a job it fails with errors like:

INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: SSIS Error Code
method on component "Union All 3" (876) failed with error
code 0xC0047020 while processing input "Union All Input
2" (916). The identified component returned an error from
the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the
component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data
Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages
posted before this with more information about the failure.

INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: SSIS Error Code
method on istat_dekl_wynik_poz SELECT returned error
code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure
code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The
meaning of the failure code is defined by the component,
but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
There may be error messages posted before this with
more information about the failure.

INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: The attempt to add a row to the
Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.**

其他返回的错误类似,有时不是0xC0047020,而是未指明的错误.错误只发生在这张表上,它在数据流任务(联合、多播、条件拆分)中有很多不同的东西.大多数其他数据流只有源、目标和转换,它们不会引起任何问题.有人建议我尝试操作数据流任务的 DefaultBufferMaxRows 和 DefaultBufferSize 属性值,但在做了一些研究之后,我不相信它会解决问题,因为它们目前采用默认值.有什么建议吗?

The other returned errors are similar, sometimes instead of 0xC0047020, there is unspecified error. Errors occur only on this one table, that has a lot of different stuff inside data flow task(unions, multicasts, conditional split). Most other data flows have just source, dest and transformation, and they are not causing any problems. I've been suggested to try manipulating DefaultBufferMaxRows and DefaultBufferSize properties values for the data flow task, but after doing some research I dont belive that it will solve the issue, as they are currently put on default values. Any suggestions?


好吧,我设法用我的包解决了这个问题.我使用的是 2012 SSIS 版本,但我在 BIDS 的 32 位环境中执行了包.服务器实际上以 64 位执行,并且对于某些项目来说这是问题所在.步骤属性中的一个复选框使其在 32 位环境中执行,我解决了我们已经解决了数周的问题.

Well, I managed to work the issue with my packages. I was using 2012 SSIS version, but I executed packages in 32 bit environment in BIDS. The server acctually executed in 64 bit and for some projects that was the problem. One checkbox in step properties to make it execute in 32 bit env and I solved the problem we have been fighting for weeks.
